Za Works’ 3D Wall Murals for the Deck 10 cafeteria capture the vibrancy of La Rambla street in Barcelona with their vivid colours and detailed illustrations. The buildings and statues featured in the artworks are all exact replicas of those found on the street, providing an immersive and realistic experience.


The wall artworks are a stunning tribute to the vibrant culture and history of La Rambla street and are sure to captivate and inspire viewers. They provide a beautiful visual representation of one of the world’s most beloved tourist attractions, allowing people to experience the area from the comfort of the Deck 10 cafeteria.


The art style employed by the mural artists of our art studio, blend painting and illustration with the brushstrokes adding texture and depth to the artworks. From the shading to the detailing, the artworks are crafted with care to bring the bustling atmosphere of La Rambla street to life. 

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